by @juan_domenech
The market for sidewalk bollards has soared since 9/11, as building owners and operators seek to prevent the possibility of bomb-filled vehicles getting close enough to their properties to cause significant damage.
Even so, some owners are much less careful when it comes to an area of the building that literally gives dozens of vehicles free access to buildings’ interiors each day, the loading dock.
The scary truth is that only a small number of office buildings have a system to manage loading dock deliveries that is capable of preventing just anyone from driving up, with just about anything inside their truck or van.
Whether their goal is petty crime or global terror, why would “bad guys” bother trying to sneak a bag past the security guards in the lobby when they can drive an entire vehicle into the loading dock unchallenged?
Our Loading Dock System will change the entire nature of security management for Loading Docks and Freight Management.